Bishop Lincoln C. Haughton, III
Senior Pastor and Chief Executive Officer
"We stand on the Word of God and deliver its message of hope to all. For what is a man or woman without hope? They are just creatures most miserable. But through the shed blood and broken body of Jesus Christ, we have hope for victorious living in this present world and hope for life eternal beyond the grave. As we progress together, may we do so as taught in John 4:24. 'God is a Spirit; and they that worship Him worship Him in spirit and in truth.' We are committed to giving God true worship, the worship He so richly deserves." |

Deacon James Haughton, Jr.
Pastor of Music & Fine Arts and Chief Operating Officer
The Music and Fine Arts Ministry is comprised of soloists, musicians, the Gospel Pearls choir, the Joylanders children's choir, and the Male and Female Choruses. This body of believers has answered the clarion call to serve the Kingdom using their gifts. The individuals in this ministry have dedicated their lives to creating an atmosphere to worship and praise the Lord through music and song.
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Android users search for CLE Citadel in the Google Play Store. iPhone users search for Cleveland Church of Christ in the app store.